Participation in the 16th Session of the WCO Capacity Building Committee

On February 26-28, 2025, representatives of the State Customs Service of Ukraine, the Department for Specialized Training and Canine Services of the State Customs Service of Ukraine, participated in the 16th Session of the World Customs Organization (WCO) Capacity Building Committee.

The event, held under the theme “Reimagining the WCO Capacity-Building Paradigm – Thriving with Strategic Purpose and Resource Optimization,” served as a platform for discussing and defining strategic directions for the WCO’s activities in developing customs and law enforcement administrations of member countries.

The participation of the representatives of the State Customs Service of Ukraine, the Department for Specialized Training and Canine Services of the State Customs Service of Ukraine, provided an opportunity to gain up-to-date information on capacity building tools within the context of global customs processes, related to:

  • rethinking the strategic directions and focus of the new WCO Capacity-Building Paradigm, its alignment with the WCO’s 2025 theme;
  • implementing WCO Technical Standards;
  • reviewing the latest developments of the WCO CLiKC! Platform, the status of implementing the WCO Distance Learning Strategy, and optimizing the WCO Expert Management Policy;
  • enhancing the capacity of member countries in the use of technology and statistical data;
  • upskilling Customs professionals in the 21st century, including the presentation of: the Asia-Pacific Region’s Compendium on Customs Training Management, updates to the Leadership Development and Management Program, and the WCO Customs Staff Well-being Training Programme;
  • revising the WCO PICARD Professional Standard;
  • ensuring gender-responsive and inclusive policies as a core part of modernization programs and strategies of customs and law enforcement agencies.
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