On November 5, 2024, in the city of Przemysl, Republic of Poland, a training event for operators and trainer-operators of scanning systems of the State Customs Service of Ukraine began. The event will last for 4 days and aims to improve skills in the field of analysis of X-ray images obtained using cargo scanning systems. The training is conducted by representatives of the National Revenue Administration of the Republic of Poland for officials (trainers) of the Department for Specialized Training and Canine Services of the State Customs Service of Ukraine and representatives of the Odessa, Chernivtsi, and Lviv Customs, who are active operators of scanning systems. During the training, participants will have the opportunity not only to familiarize themselves with the experience and methodology of X-ray image analysis in the Republic of Poland but also to improve their skills by working on practical cases and exercises related to the use of various types of cargo scanning systems. This event was made possible thanks to the support provided by the European Union Border Assistance Mission to Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova (EUBAM), which underlines the importance of international cooperation in strengthening border security and combating violations of customs legislation.
A training on the analysis of X-ray images obtained from cargo scanning systems (NUCTECH/RAPISCAN) has commenced in the Republic of Poland