Videoconference on «Status of canine Services in the State Customs Service of Ukraine» was organized and held on April 8, 2021 by the Department of Specialized Training and Canine Services of the State Customs Service of Ukraine (hereinafter – Department). The representatives of the Department, Head of the Division for Counteracting Illicit Movement of Drugs and Weapons of the Directorate of Operational Response of the Department for Counteracting Smuggling and Customs Rules Violation of the State Customs Service, Deputy Heads of Customs of the State Customs Service (Heads of the Department for Counteracting Smuggling and Customs Rules Violation), and Heads of Customs Canine Units of the State Customs Service of Ukraine took part in the meeting. The participants’ attention was focused on discussing the efficiency of the use of canine teams of the State Customs Service during the implementation of customs control procedures in 2020 and the first quarter of 2021, status of Canine Services in the State Customs Service and the procedure of canine teams special training in 2021. At the same time thе participation of canine teams of the State Customs Service in the solemn parade dedicated to the celebration of 30th anniversary of Ukraine’s independence and in the open Canine Tournament “Memory of the Hero of Ukraine, Colonel, Dmitry Kaplunov” was considered. As a result of the meeting, appropriate decisions were made, the realization of which will increase the efficiency of the use of canine teams in the implementation of customs control.
Meeting of Heads of Canine Units of Territorial Bodies of the State Customs Service