On April 5, 2021 the face-to-face stage of special training of 11 canine teams of Bukovynska, Polis’ka, Halytska, Pivnichna, Zakarpatska, Volynska, Odeska, Slobozhanska and Kyivska Customs of the State Customs Service by specialization in the search for narcotics and psychotropic substances, current money in the form of banknotes and tobacco products started on the basis of the Department for Specialized Training and Canine Services of the State Customs Service. The need to conduct such training precisely on the basis of the Department is due to its specifics, namely the need to use the material and technical base (hiding places for objects and substances: models of cars and trucks, trailers, etc., charcoal, bulk building materials and food products), as well as a specially equipped training ground for training service dogs to search for hidden objects and substances at various search targets; the use of natural odors in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, weapons, parts for weapons and ammunition, tobacco products, banknotes and amber. The specialists of the Department carry out support and detailed analysis of practical skills in search work and practice situations that are as close as possible to real ones. The event will be held in compliance with all sanitary standards.
Training of Canine Teams of the State Customs Service has Started