One of the main tasks of the Department for Specialized Training and Canine Services of the State Customs Service is to organize and conduct special and specialized training of officials of the territorial bodies of the State Customs Service, including training of newlyemployed officials. Thus, in 2022 in accordance with the Plan of increasing the level of professional competence of officials of the State Customs Service and its territorial bodies 7,564 officials of the structural divisions of the State Customs Service and its territorial bodies underwent special and specialized training at the premises of the Department for Specialized Training and Canine Services of the State Customs Service. In comparison to last year 6,333 officials were trained, it grows more than 20 % in the reporting period.

It is very difficult to look at these statistics without emotion, because despite the war, shelling, air raid alerts and blackouts the year 2022 became a record year. After all, it is the most resulted year in the training history of the Department for Specialized Training and Canine Services of the State Customs Service.
The strength of spirit and ingenuity of our colleagues, who find opportunities to undergo training even in such difficult conditions, is so stunning. This once again proves that we Ukrainians are an indomitable nation!
We thank our defenders for this heroic year!
Dear participants, friends, partners thank you for your indomitable spirit! Wishing a quick Victory!