April 26 marks the Chernobyl Disaster Remembrance Day, which is one of the biggest man-made disasters of mankind Continue ReadingApril 26 marks the Chernobyl Disaster Remembrance Day, which is one of the biggest man-made disasters of mankind
School pupils visited the Department for Specialized Training and Canine Services of the State Service of Ukraine Continue ReadingSchool pupils visited the Department for Specialized Training and Canine Services of the State Service of Ukraine
30 years from the date of creation of the Department for Specialized Training and Canine Services of the State Customs Service of Ukraine: a photography exhibition Continue Reading30 years from the date of creation of the Department for Specialized Training and Canine Services of the State Customs Service of Ukraine: a photography exhibition
Ensuring border security using modern information and cyber security measures Continue ReadingEnsuring border security using modern information and cyber security measures
Training of operators for the analysis of X-ray images Continue ReadingTraining of operators for the analysis of X-ray images
Completion of the face-to-face training of 12 canine teams of the State Customs Service Continue ReadingCompletion of the face-to-face training of 12 canine teams of the State Customs Service
The State Customs Service takes care of the psychological well-being of its officials Continue ReadingThe State Customs Service takes care of the psychological well-being of its officials