50th anniversary of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) Continue Reading50th anniversary of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES)
Educational tour for future customs officers Continue ReadingEducational tour for future customs officers
Acquaintance with the EU experience in the development of the risk management system Continue ReadingAcquaintance with the EU experience in the development of the risk management system
Current threats and challenges. Chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear disinformation Continue ReadingCurrent threats and challenges. Chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear disinformation
18th Global Meeting of WCO Regional Entities Continue Reading18th Global Meeting of WCO Regional Entities
Psychological support in the conditions of martial law Continue ReadingPsychological support in the conditions of martial law
Secure and inclusive borders between Slovakia and Ukraine Continue ReadingSecure and inclusive borders between Slovakia and Ukraine
Development of joint training materials on combating environmental crimes Continue ReadingDevelopment of joint training materials on combating environmental crimes